International vocational education and training

At different levels ibw makes a substantial contribution to European projects related to research on education and training. We regularly take part in EU projects as a partner or coordinator. In addition, we contribute our expertise to working groups of the European Commission for designing European education projects.

As a cooperation partner of the EU’s Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) we describe the VET system and educational policies implemented in Austria and, in this way, facilitate the transnational comparison.

Our areas of expertise:

  • VET and qualification strategies in an international comparison
  • trends and initiatives in VET at the European level
  • needs assessments on foreign language competence
  • ibw-bericht_austria_country_synthesis_report-1

    National Authorities for Apprenticeships: Policy learning and support to promoting apprenticeship systems and VET policy experimentation under the European Alliance for Apprenticeship

    Country report Austria

  • eb021_neu

    Schulgovernance – Eckpunkte für einen Paradigmenwechsel

    ibw-Kurzexpertise, Wien, 2015
    Schmid K.

    Die Expertise präsentiert die wesentlichen Befunde zur Ineffizienz der gegenwärtigen Schulverwaltung, verortet Österreich im internationalen Vergleich und zeigt damit umfassende Reformnotwendigkeiten auf. Kern der Studie ist die Ableitung eines idealtypischen Modells für Österreich anhand internationaler Evidenz und Best Practice.

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